Modellfeldbahn GmbH i.G.

All models are completely handcrafted in Switzerland and all ready to run!


Exposition: "Platform of small series" in Bauma (ZH) Switzerland, the last time there

11th to 13th of October 2024

New in Balsthal in 2026

Wooden Catenary masts in 1:87, system AEG Alioth, for the Rittner Railway, tramways and industrial Railways



Wooden Catenary masts in 1:45, system AEG Alioth, for the Rittner Railway, tramways and industrial Railways



In 1:45 scale and gauges 0e;
0m; 0f, 0i; 0 :


Wooden Catenary masts in 1:87, for the Bernina (Bahn) Railway (RhB Bernina) , MOB, tramways and other Railways (later also in 1:45)

I will present here different variants in several and stages.



Faller Bucket Chain Excavator

In small production series in the scale of 1 : 87

made of brass and steel.

Complete model, no assembly kit

Skips and trolleys in H0f

In small production series in the scale of 1 : 87 in brass

In H0n2 gauge (6,5 mm) also H0f, H0i gauge and is planned in

H0n30 (H0e gauge of 9 mm).

Ready to run models, no assembly kits


This version is in developpment:

Trolley for the transport of long wood in H0n2 (H0f or H0i) gauge

In small production series in the scale of 1 : 87 in brass.

Ready to run models, no assembly kits!

In H0n2 gauge (6,5 mm) also H0f, H0i gauge

Box type tipper / Wood-tipper and wooden under-carriage in H0n30, H0m and H0n2

Wooden under-carriages everything in H0e (H0n30) H0m and H0f (H0i, H0n2)

In small production series in the scale of 1 : 87

made of wood and brass in H0n30 gauge (9 mm) (H0e gauge) and

in H0m gauge (12 mm) on demand.

Ready to run models, no assembly kits

Here the loaded wood tipper shown running in a movie on a layout:

Movie 1:

Movie 2:

Movie 3:

Movie 4:


0e gauge Box type tipper / Wood-tipper,

Wooden under-carriages in 0e, 0f und 0m (shown later)

In small production series in the scale of 1 : 45

made of wood and brass in 0e gauge (16,5 mm) and 0m gauge (22,5 mm) is on demand possible.

Ready to run models, no assembly kits

0e gauge: (later also in 0f)

Dolberg Oe gauge multi task wooden box type tipper;

In small production series in the scale of 1 : 45

made of wood and brass in 0e gauge (16,5 mm) and 0m gauge (22,5 mm) is on demand possible. 

Ready to run models, no assembly kits


H0n30 (H0e) Flat wooden-waggon for the transport of big stones

In small production series in the scale of 1 : 87 in  wood and brass in H0n30 gauge (9 mm) (H0e gauge)

Ready to run model, no assembly kit

Here, the loaded flat wooden waggon shown running in a movie on a layout:

Movie 1:

Movie 2:

Movie 3:

Movie 4:

Longwood transport waggons made of wood in H0n30 (H0e) gauge

In small production series in the scale of 1 : 87 in  wood and brass in H0n30 gauge (9 mm) (H0e gauge)

Ready to run model, no assembly kit

0e gauge Flat wood-waggon for the transport of big stones

In small production series in the scale of 1 : 45 in wood and brass in 0e gauge (16,5 mm)

Ready to run model, no assembly kit

0e gauge:

0 gauge industrial railway wheels diameter 382 mm (1:45 = 8,5mm)

In small production series in the scale of 1 : 45

In 0 scale:

H0n30 (H0e) Flat steel waggon for the transport of big stones and other industrial transportation duties and

under-carriages with buffer for industrial transportation duties and personal waggon building

Next and new a variant of it in small production series in the scale of 1 : 87 in brass

made of brass in H0n30 gauge (9 mm) (H0e gauge)

Ready to run model, no assembly kit


Locos and Engins H0x 

Locomotives RL1: detailed ready to run models made of brass, handcrafted and motorized in H0n2 (H0f, H0i) 6,5mm gauge and in H0n30 (H0e) 9 mm gauge.

Other locomotives will follow soon.

Only ready to run models, NO assembly kits!

Locos and Egins 0x

In preparation

Contact and Basics of the models presented here and information about Modellfeldbahn

The basic philosophy of making and producing of all models of Modellfeldbahn and the possibilities to contact Modellfeldbahn.


Patented rail sections to scale for industrial railways H0f

Presentation here in preparation

Acessories and Coupler Parts

Maintenance of models

To oil your models fast and easily


Very small series of turned and soldered parts after your drawings

Series of 30 turned pieces in maximum to very favorable conditions, also with soldered parts

Prototype photos from the border of Switzerland and Switzerland
Prototype photos: Steam excursions with the

association "Rheinschauen"


Model and Layout Photos



Self explaining landscapes to open discussions about the issues of environment and so on.

Complete constructions and planning of these model layouts and functional models after the issue-list of the customer


An idea only (no link at all)


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